Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Open Blue Sea Farms takes a new direction by harvesting fish in aquapods.

Read more about Open Blue and AquaPod farming.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Doug for the posting of CNNMONEY's coverage of Open Blue Sea Farms. CNNMONEY also ran a nice print piece at: http://tinyurl.com/c4vqms.

    We humans face a looming global food crisis with seafood being the first casualty. And with a billion of us consuming seafood as our source of protein, the supply/demand gap will continue to increase unless better sustainable methods are used to provide healthy, nutritious and delicious seafood without damaging our oceans and stakeholders and without requiring use of prophylactic contaminants (antibiotics, anti-fugal agents, etc.).

    Open ocean aquaculture is such a methods. At Open Blue, we call it Free Range Fish Farming. And what is really cool is that we can take our proven model to just about anywhere in the vast wet prairies of the world, our oceans. Thanks for your support.

    Michael Albert--Open Blue Sea Farms
